Snowshoe – Otter Loop

Athabasca River

Trail 12 is what I call “Otter Loop” since there are good chances in spotting those.

This trail has a made up name just because we saw a couple of Otters along the banks of Athabasca river, it is actually call Trail 12 along the rock wall.

Caution, please know what can happen, if the spot you are standing gives way, you might end up in the frigid glacial waters. We walked mostly on the solid ground along the sides unlike the posed photo above where Alpine Art walked over the Miette River.

Snowshoeing is the best way to get around odd places and find some beautiful vistas. You can find spectacular vistas on uncharted territory.

Access to this area is just south of Tekarra Lodge just past the Miette Bridge on hwy 93a, there is a little pull-out and trail marker. Favorite amongst the dog walkers for the rock wall.

Trail 12 River Loop

Snowshoe Otter Trail 12 - Explore Jasper

Dodgy crossing, thin ice and moving water

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Location Access

Access: 93a pullout just after Tekarra Lodge

Parking: Yes, gravel

Trailhead: Cross the Miette bridge toward south then go left

Distance: Short Walk

Activities: Snowshoe


Photos updated for larger format 2021
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