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The fauna in Jasper is abundant, Parks Canada works hard in the background in conserving the ecology of Jasper National Park. Take you time in Jasper and look around, watch your speed when driving, never know when a stampede can pop out from the roadside or a large animal wanting to cross.
Do not stop in the middle of the road, pull off to the side in a safe manner. Take precautions while walking or hiking the trails, these are wildlife and not breeding nor petting. Enjoy your time in Jasper and never feed the wildlife.
This section is getting updated with better quality photos of wildlife that reside in Jasper National Park. I will be updating as soon as I have time and newer images, so check back here often. The higher quality photos are larger sizes, so it is worth the wait for the server to load.
Please enjoy, feel free to share and comment below if you want to see species that are not displayed here. I would like to know which is your favorite fauna? If any of the wildlife is named in error, please comment below.
All photos are taken by me, Eddie Wong aka Jasperguy. hosted by Explore Jasper.
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