Fauna - Mountain Goat

Mountain Goats

Mountain goats can be seen along the highways. Try goats and glaciers lookout point on hwy 93.

Fauna Great Grey Owl - Explore Jasper

Great Grey Owl

Great Grey Owl, the largest species of the Owl family.

Fauna Red Fox - Explore Jasper

Red Fox

These creatures don’t show up very often, so this was a lucky capture at Old Fort Point. He was just going about chasing squirrels and rodents for food.

Fauna Brown Bear - Explore Jasper

Brown Bear

Usually mistaken for a Grizzly, Brown bears are part of the Black bear family. Notice there is no hump on this brown bear.

Fauna Black Bear - Explore Jasper

Black Bear

Black bears are the most common to view in Jasper. Take a tour with the local wildlife companies or even adventure companies in Jasper.

Fauna Grizzly Bear - Explore Jasper

Grizzly Bear

These large animals are quite a sight to see if you are lucky to come across one in your visit to Jasper, hopefully from a safe distance.

Fauna Hoary Marmot - Explore Jasper

Hoary Marmot

Hoary Marmots are from the rodent family that lives in the sub alpine and alpine mainly where there are large rocks.

Fauna Canadian Beaver - Explore Jasper


A Canadian icon and part of our heritage, Beaver has been sought after for their fur.

Fauna Osprey - Explore Jasper


Osprey nests are are viewable at various points along the river in Jasper.

Fauna - Autos - Mule Deer - Explore Jasper

Mule Deer

Tell tale sign for this species is the black tip on the tail that tells them apart from White Tail Deer. 

Fauna Wolf - Explore Jasper


The wolf is the largest extant member of the family Canidae. It is also distinguished from other Canis species by its less pointed ears and muzzle, as well as a shorter torso and a longer tail.

Fauna Great Horned Owl - Explore Jasper

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl, on May 3, 1977, the great horned owl was adopted as Alberta’s official bird after a province-wide children’s vote. The great horned owl is a year-round resident of the province.

Fauna Coyote - Explore Jasper


The coyote is larger and more predatory and was once referred to as the American jackal by a behavioral ecologist. Other historical names for the species include the prairie wolf and the brush wolf. ~Wikipedia~

Fauna Bald Eagle - Explore Jasper

Bald Eagle

Bald eagles are not actually bald; the name derives from an older meaning of the word, “white headed”. The adult is mainly brown with a white head and tail. The sexes are identical in plumage, but females are about 25 percent larger than males. The yellow beak is large and hooked. The plumage of the immature is brown.

Fauna Pine Marten - Explore Jasper

Pine Marten

Martens are slender, agile animals, adapted to living in the taiga, and inhabit coniferous and northern deciduous forests across the Northern Hemisphere.

Fauna Big Horn Sheep - Explore Jasper

Big Horn Sheep

These Big Horn Sheeps loves to block traffic. Watch for them along the highways.

Fauna Moose - Explore Jasper


These elusive animals are a treat to see if you are ever lucky to see them in the wilds of jasper National Park.

Fauna Golden Mantle Squirrel - Explore Jasper

Golden Mantle Squirrel

Golden Mantle Squirrel hibernates in the winter, these little rodents loves to beg for food, but, please refrain from feeding them. They have plenty of natural food to squirrel away.

Fauna Redtail Hawk - Explore Jasper

Red Tail Hawk

Bird of prey, in the eagle family. This is probably the most common hawk in North America, but rare to see in Jasper National Park.

Fauna Bull Elk - Explore Jasper


This species of ungulates are well known in town, as an local, we find them a nuisance most of the time.  They come and poop on your sidewalks and munch on your prize flowers.


The fauna in Jasper is abundant, Parks Canada works hard in the background in conserving the ecology of Jasper National Park. Take you time in Jasper and look around, watch your speed when driving, never know when a stampede can pop out from the roadside or a large animal wanting to cross.

Do not stop in the middle of the road, pull off to the side in a safe manner. Take precautions while walking or hiking the trails, these are wildlife and not breeding nor petting. Enjoy your time in Jasper and never feed the wildlife.


Rocky Mountain Wildlife

This section is getting updated with better quality photos of wildlife that reside in Jasper National Park. I will be updating as soon as I have time and newer images, so check back here often. The higher quality photos are larger sizes, so it is worth the wait for the server to load.

Please enjoy, feel free to share and comment below if you want to see species that are not displayed here. I would like to know which is your favorite fauna? If any of the wildlife is named in error, please comment below.

All photos are taken by me, Eddie Wong aka Jasperguy. hosted by Explore Jasper.

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